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� 2003 CAER.
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Ken Hall Graphic Design






Organization Structure & Constitution   Page  
1. What Is CAER �����.�����������.�. Page 02
2. Name ���..��������������.��...�. Page 03
4. Membership ������������������.. Page 04
5. Organization Structure �������������� Page 04
6. Functions & Duties Of Elected Officers & Committees �� Page 05
Vice-Chairperson ���������..��� Page 05
Caer Administrator ����������..�� Page 05
Immediate Past Chairperson ���������..��� Page 05
Committees ��������.....���. Page 05
7. Election of Officers ����..������..����.� Page 06
8. Meetings �����������.��..������ Page 07
9. Financial Arrangements ��������������. Page 08
10. CVECO Manual �����������������. Page 09
11. CVECO Manual Review �������������.. Page 10
12. CVECO Manual Revisions �������������.. Page 11
13. Revision History ������������������ Page 12


1.1 CAER is an organization that deals with the issues arising from a community living in close proximity to large chemical manufacturing and oil refining industries.
1.2 The initials represent two different areas of interest which have developed over the past 45 years into the present day organization.
1.3 "CA" stands for Community Awareness - that part of the organization which keeps the community informed as to the nature of the industry and what steps to take in the event of a natural or industrial emergency.
1.4 Activities in this area are co-ordinated by the Community Awareness Committee (CAC).
1.5 "ER" stands for Emergency Response - that part which brings the city and industry together to mitigate any emergency which may occur.
1.6 The Chemical Valley Emergency Co-ordinating Organization (CVECO) handles the activities in the emergency response area.
1.7 The initials "CAER" also represent one of six different Codes of Practice that make up an industry program called "Responsible Care" a registered trademark of the Canadian Chemical Producers Association and the Chemical Manufacturers Association in the United States.


2. NAME:  
2.1 The organization will be known as the "Chemical Valley Emergency Co-ordinating Organization" (C.V.E.C.O.).


3.1 The organization will provide a co-ordinated service by local emergency response groups to deal with all natural and industrial emergencies which present hazards to the public.
3.2 Through the agency of the mutual aid agreements in place between police and fire-fighting organizations within Lambton and adjoining counties, ensure compatibility of plans, procedures, equipment and training.
3.3 Ensure that the emergency response plans of industrial and civic authorities among the membership are compatible with one another and with senior government disaster plans for the area.
3.4 To maintain continual and constructive communication between members, providing maximum awareness of developing needs and new techniques and promoting a high level of commitment and co-operation in emergency response activities.
3.5 In conjunction with the Community Awareness Committee (C.A.C.), provide an awareness program for the public which acquaints them with warning systems, evacuation procedures, response agency capabilities and services.


4.1 C.V.E.C.O. member organizations may be any of the following which have operations in Lambton and adjoining counties:
- Industrial companies or divisions of companies.
- Transportation or storage companies, or divisions of companies
- Local and regional governments and their agencies such as fire, police, health units and Boards of Education.
- Public utility companies.
4.2 Associate membership may be granted to trade or industry associations, or to government agencies of jurisdictions other than within Lambton and adjoining counties which may have interests in emergency response and control.
4.3 Each full member organization may appoint up to four representatives but can have only one vote. For voting purposes, each agency of a local government has a vote.


5.1 C.V.E.C.O. will be guided by an executive committee composed of:
- A Chairperson
- A Vice-Chairperson
- The Immediate Past Chairperson
- Chairman from each CVECO Sub-committee
- Maximum of two advisors municipal and/or industrial as required making up a balance committee of industrial and municipal representation.
- Care Administrator (non voting)


6.1 Chairperson:
- The Chairperson is responsible for the general conduct of the organization. He/she guides the organization in setting its policy, executes its decisions, supervises its officials and represents it before other bodies.
- The Chairperson presides over the executive and general meetings to preserve proper decorum, to keep order and facilitate procedure.
6.2 Vice - Chairperson:
- The Vice-Chairperson performs the duties of the Chairperson during the Chairperson's absence, or any other duties assigned to him by the Chairperson.
6.3 Caer Administrator
- Role of Secretary/Treasurer will be the responsibility of the Executive Co-ordinator. Caer Administrator will:
- Maintain liaison between C.V.E.C.O. committees and executive.
- Maintain liaison with municipalities including U.S.A.
- Work closely with all CVECO / CAER members responsible for the development of SADS Exercise.
- Liaison link with Ontario Petroleum Association, L.I.S., ECRC, CCPA /TEAP, Community Awareness Committee.
6.4 Immediate Past Chairperson
- Provides executive continuity from the previous year and assists the Chairperson in any designated capacity.
6.5 Committees
- Such committees may be established as may be needed by the organization. These may include Police, Fire and others.


7.1 The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be elected by ballot with a simple majority at the last meeting of the general membership in the previous year.
7.2 Nominations for officer positions must be sent to the Caer Administrator at least fifteen (15) calendar days before the last General Meeting of the year. The Vice-Chairperson is an automatic nominee for Chairperson.
7.3 The Caer Administrator will be the administrator appointed by the C.A.E.R. Guidance Committee at any point in time.
7.4 The Chairpersons of standing committees will be confirmed annually by the executive at their first meeting.
7.5 Special committees may be formed at any time by the Executive to fulfil a particular role, and their Chairpersons will also be appointed by the Executive.


8.1 There shall be a minimum of five (5) scheduled meetings per year of the Executive, with the first being in January. The Chairperson has discretionary power to call additional meetings
8.2 Chairpersons of standing committees will attend Executive meetings.
8.3 All members of the Executive, Committee Chairpersons, and Technical Advisors may vote in executive decisions, except the Caer Administrator who is an external appointee.


8. MEETINGS: Continued
8.4 General membership meetings will be called at the Executive's discretion but should preferably be alternated with Executive meetings.
8.5 Standing committees will meet at the discretion of their Chairpersons, but in no case less often than two (2) times per year.
8.6 They shall have, normally, not less than three (3) members including the Chairperson. They may invite membership from non-participating organizations if that improves their working capability.
8.7 Voting at Executive and General meetings shall be decided by simple majority. A quorum for these meetings is 50% of those qualified to attend. The Chairperson carries a second casting vote.
8.8 Standing committees or special committees shall operate according to their need in respect of quorums and voting.
8.9 Meetings will be held at such times and places as the General Chairman deems necessary.
8.10 A quorum to conduct business at a meeting will be one-third (1/3) of the total membership.
8.11 Minutes of any CVECO committee should be completed and sent out to the membership within 14 days of the meeting.
8.12 The minutes of all committee as a minimum will contain
- Date of meeting and list of attendees
- Record of topics and outline of discussion on those topic
- Action items to identify responsibilities that require follow-up
- Name of person who is to follow-up on each action item.
- Time frame the action item is to be completed
- Date, time and location of next meeting
8.13 Meeting agenda�s should be sent to committee member 5 days prior to their meeting.


9.1 The Caer Administrator will act as Treasurer.
9.2 The Caer Administrator has signing authority up to $1,000. For amounts over $1,000, signing authorities will be any two of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Caer Administrator.
9.3 All members will pay an annual fee, determined by the CVECO Executive.
9.4 Associate members will pay an annual administrative fee determined by the CVECO Executive.
9.5 The above fees will form the General Fund supporting all normal administrative and operating expenses. Additional funding for special projects will be levied in a manner proposed by the Executive and approved by general membership.
9.6 A Financial Report will be presented at each General Meeting and a fully detailed Financial Report will be circulated annually.
9.7 Books will be subject to annual external examination.


10.1 The CVECO Manual has been developed to provide the member organizations a reference tool to use in event of an actual or potential emergency in the Sarnia - Lambton area.
10.2 The manual includes communication protocol, definitions of the alert codes, mutual aid organizations and emergency response guidelines.
10.3 It is the expectation that the employees of each CVECO member organization will be aware of the manual contents, and that the member organizations will conduct regular CVECO Manual refresher training with it�s employees.
Note: Reference Appendix G �Revision Request Form� for the form required to implement revisions to the CVECO manual.


11.1 The CVECO Executive Committee will coordinate the review the manual annually. The annual review will be completed in the 1st quarter of each calendar year.
11.2 Items that will be reviewed are, but not limited to:
- Information that may be outdated, incorrect, incomplete or omitted.
- Changes to the alerting codes and response protocols
- Changes in Contact Lists
- Changes in Resources
- Changes in Hazards
11.3 Any revision identified in the review process will be incorporated into the CVECO Manual.
11.4 Any changes identified as a result of training and simulation exercises will also be incorporated into the manual at this time.
11.4 Revisions will be recorded at the end of the section of the manual that has been revised, which will include
- Date of revision
- Person or committee that reviewed or changed the section
- Description of the revisions
- Date of the general meeting revisions were approved at.
11.5 Member organizations will be made aware of the updates, and changes will be distributed to each manual holder any time there is a manual revision.
11.6 It is the accountability of the CVECO Executive Committee to approve any changes to the manual.
11.7 The Executive Committee will direct the Manual Administrator to make approved revisions to the manual and the CAER Administrator will issue the update notification to the manual holders.


12.1 Manual holders can submit a Revision Request Form to the CAER Administrator if they notice that pertinent information is incorrect, incomplete or omitted.
- Reference Appendix G �Revision Request Form� for the form required to implement revisions to the CVECO manual.
12.2 The CAER Administrator will review each revision request for completeness, and will present requests to the CVECO Executive Committee for discussion and endorsement or rejection.
12.3 The CAER Administrator is to provide a response to each person who submitted a request with the outcome of the review.
12.4 The Executive Committee will direct the Manual Administrator to make approved revisions to the manual and the CAER Administrator will issue the update notification to the manual holders.
12.4 The revisions are to be made and updates are to be issued based on the priority of the request, and at no time will this be longer than the time of annual review.


Date By Description
1971 CVECO Committee Original
June 03/03 CVECO Executive Reviewed. CVECO manual revision information and meeting criteria added.