Key Points about Sirens:
When will they be tested?
Sirens will be tested every Monday at 12:30 Noon for a 15 second test.
When will the sirens be used in an emergency?
Sirens will only be sounded for three minutes in duration when immediate
action is required by the public.
What if the situation changes?
If, after the initial 3 minute sounding of the sirens, the situation
changes and further immediate action is required, the sirens will again
be sounded for 3 minutes to once again alert people to tune to the local
radio for additional instructions.
Where are they located?
There are 4 in south end of Sarnia, 1 in Point Edward, 3 in Aamjiwnaang
(First Nations) and 2 in Corunna.
What do they sound like?
Sirens will be sounded for a total of three-minute cycle, which consist
of a 5 second high tone followed by 1 second of silence. This pattern is
repeated for a full three minutes.
What should you do?
Do not panic, and tune to one of the local radio stations for details on
the situation.
Emergency Notification Sirens
may have an emergency official knocking at your door, providing evacuation
instructions to you or instructions for a boil water advisory. You may have
Emergency Services driving through your neighbourhood, providing instructions
over a loud speaker. Unique partnerships & cooperation with COGECO and Sarnia
Lambton Radio stations provides the City of Sarnia (Sarnia Police Services) the
ability to interrupt local programming to provide Emergency Notification to the
Municipal outdoor sirens are used to alert the public outdoors in certain areas
south of Wellington Street of chemical releases or of tornado warnings.
Industries and Municipalities working together to ensure public safety
during an emergency.
Trained professionals with state-of-the-art equipment can be called into action
quickly to respond to an event regardless of location.
Providing the public with the information they need to prepare their household
for an emergency.